Sunday, May 17, 2009

Frequently Asked FAQs! :)

We updated our FAQ recently with the questions that Association Committees evaluating ApartmentAdda often ask. Here are the top two.

1. Will our personal data be secure?

This, for very good reason, is the foremost question on responsible Association Committees' mind. We have all been victim of spamming - via email, snail-mail and phone - obviously our data was misused by someone we trusted it with.

So here is our answer to your question - FAQ-5 . Will our data be secure on ApartmentAdda?

Yes. We at ApartmentAdda understand that the information you provide is of a personal nature and we respect your privacy.

We have employed the most advanced technology in Internet Security. When you access your Adda, information is encrypted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), which is the Industry Standard. This is the reason why our Login Page loads separately, with the URL starting with 'HTTPS:' - where S stands for Secure.

The storage of your data is in a Top Tier Data Center with the Hosting Platform providing a Virtual Private Server to ApartmentAdda.

Finally, the Terms of Service of ApartmentAdda states without any ambiguity - We do not sell, rent or otherwise make available your email address, phone number, address, or any other personal information to any third-party for any reason whatsoever.

2. Over time we will build information assets on ApartmentAdda. Is there a clearly defined exit route?

An apartment community may want to build a dedicated website in future, or, they may just want to switch to any other service. This will require them to extract existing information assets from ApartmentAdda.

We respect this choice of our customers. Below FAQs together answer this question:

FAQ-7. Can we export the data created on our Apartment Adda?

Yes, all relevant data present in your specific Adda can be exported anytime. This includes the Residents' List, Vendors' List, Complaints, Issues, Income Line Items, Expense Line Items, Documents and Maintenance Contacts.

Following the Privacy Policy of ApartmentAdda, Residents' email-id and mobile phone number are not part of the Residents' List export. A complete export of Residents' List can be enabled by ApartmentAdda on need basis, after receiving written official communication from you. All residents will also receive advance information by email about this complete Residents' List export.

FAQ-8. Can we switch from Basic Adda to Premium Adda, and back again?

Yes, the typical route of switching is from Basic Adda (Free of Cost, limited features) to Premium Adda (Annual Subscription, all features). ApartmentAdda executes a Commercial Agreement with you and the access to Premium features open up.

If you need to switch back from Premium Adda to Basic Adda for any reason, we assist you with the same. You will have sufficient time to export the relevant data from the Premium features, before the access to premium features is discontinued. You can then continue on the Basic Adda.